Majestic mountains, refreshing air, abundant wildlife, and no one around for miles…Courtney T. could understand why her father built a home in this remote, rural region of Colorado nearly 30 years ago. It was peaceful and the views were breathtaking.

Over the years, it became an annual tradition for Courtney and her siblings to visit her father in the summer.

“It’s always a lot of fun. We all pile into his place, but as our families have grown, it has gotten very crowded,” she said.

Last year, Courtney purchased property nearby, and this summer, she decided she wanted to stay on her land for two weeks during the family gathering.

“I wanted the chance to experience the sunrises, sunsets, and other natural aspects of the property before I designed my new home,” she said. “I also wanted to rent something that was like a house, knowing that my two children, my dog, Millie, and several cousins would likely sleep in it during our stay.”

The trip would also provide a break from the hot, humidity of Houston, where she and her children currently reside.

Courtney found LiTRV through a Google search, and she was immediately impressed with the service she would receive.

“More than anything, I was seeking something convenient. I wanted them to bring the RV to me, set it up, and then take it away when we were done,” she said.

On the day that LiTRV delivered the motorcoach, Courtney was surprised to see just how large it was.

“We’re 30 minutes from the main road, and I was not sure if the driver could make it to my property, but he did a great job,” she said. “Then we all got a good laugh when my father came to see it. He said, ‘Courtney, that’s not a trailer!’”

Courtney said the luxury motorcoach was a big hit with her entire family and especially with the kids.

“It was much nicer than I thought it was going to be. It had a large refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, two full bathrooms with showers and toilets and sinks in both bathrooms,” she said.

Living on her land was exactly what she needed, and she was grateful that the motorcoach had folding chairs stored away under the coach.

“One of my favorite memories was sitting outside in the morning with my coffee or at dusk, watching the kids play, and just taking in the beauty of the land,” she said.

She was also appreciative of LiTRV’s customer service. In addition to delivering the motorcoach, LiTRV’s driver gave her an orientation regarding key amenities she would be using.

“The service was incredible. If I had questions, I would call or text and someone would answer immediately, and the answer was always right,” she said.

Although she has a better idea now about how she wants to design her new home, Courtney does not anticipate having her home built by next July.

“I may rent a luxury motorcoach again next year,” she said. “It was a really cool experience, and I would recommend it to other property owners who are planning to build a new home on their land.”